Köln: 28.–31.10.2025 #fsb

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Joker Sport Interlocking Flooring | Aussteller auf der FSB 2023

Joker Sport Interlocking Flooring

Joker Sport floors are entirely Made in Italy, produced directly by our company. The flooring consists of plastic tiles connected to each other by interlocking male/female elements, which make for easy laying without using glue or qualified personnel. The surface of both models has been designed to afford an excellent grip with sports shoes and balls bounce off it in a manner comparable to cement. The tiles allow one to practice the most important sports, such as basketball, volleyball, tennis, five-aside football, handball and dance; as well as being excellent for skating.
Via Andrea Mantegna 4
52100 AREZZO (AR)
Halle 10.1 | C038